
     My dear Julia, It is finished!! The Union has won! I have just spoken with General Lee on the terms of surrender! We have agreed there will be no more fighting! After we captured Richmond, the war was in our favor! Then we won it all in Saylor’s Creek, which I believe to be the last battle of the war. When I received word that Lee wanted to discuss the surrender, I was surprised but overjoyed. When I arrived at the house of Wilmer McLean, the meeting place, I was wearing what I had worn the hours before. But Lee looked his finest, assuming I would make him my prisoner. But we are men of the same country again, so I did no such thing. I even stopped my men from clapping when Lee left McLean’s residence. I am thrilled that I will get to see you again, and extremely excited that the cause I fought so hard for has won . I love you and can’t wait to see everyone in the family soon!           Sincerely,         ...

1864, Promoted

          Dear Julia and family, I miss you all! I have had a lot of success of the battle field and I am excited because my hard work was noticed. I have been promoted to lieutenant general and given command of all the Union armies. All my victories are for you, my loving family, and I'm so thankful for your support. I have attached some trading cards that I thought you might have fun playing with. There is a card of me in my general's uniform and of some of my good friends, Thomas Norton and James Richardson. Please keep in touch and stay safe!            All my love,                 Ulysses Grant Here are the trading cards!

August 29, 1863

         My Darling Julia, I miss you terribly. I haven't seen you in two years, but it feels like an eternity. How are the kids? I have just arrived back at camp from the Battle of Gettysburg. Lee wanted to have a victory in the North, so he marched to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in June. The battle was brutal and went on for a grueling three days. The first day of battle started because some of our men went into town to buy shoes, but of course the rebels went to the same shoe store at the same time. Thus, the battle began. By the end of the day we were pushed back into town but had the high ground.  I was terrified, but I pushed on, and even though we couldn't push forward, we still gained an advantage. Our troops were placed in a giant fish hook shape, but one of our most important Maine regiments ran out of ammunition towards the end of the day, and they were forced to use bayonets. The kids would have loved the screams they made while they attacked...
      My love, How are you? My general, George McClellan was fired, and I hope to be promoted. I made some flash cards with vocabulary that we use daily in camp and on the battle field. Please show them to the kids. I miss you and love. Please keep in touch.       All my love,           Ulysses Grant
          My dear Julia , We have just come home from the Battle of Bull Run . It was a tragic battle. I mentioned it in my last letter, but I wanted you to here the details from me first before rebel rumors spread to our home. We had about 37,000 men , while the Gray Backs had just 22,000 . One of the Federal generals who fought in this battle sent me a letter saying this, " The battle seemed to be easily in our favor, so the men around me began to eat some of the food of the picnics that had surrounded us . Just as I was about to take a bite of cake, I saw many of the other Yankee soldiers running towards me, with General Thomas Jackson and his regiment chasing them. I was so frightened in the middle of my cake that I stopped thinking and just ran along with them. By the time I straightened out my mind, our troops were already very injured and defeated; we were forced to retreat. We had about 2, 896 casualties ." I am embarrassed for our troops, and I am ...
           My dearest Julia, Greetings from Washington D.C., the capital  of the federals . How is Illinois ? I thought you would find it funny that my general, George McClellan, is called Little Mac by me and the other Union  soldiers. He is very youthful and  attended the United States Military Academy, like I did.  He does seem somewhat ignorant though, and he wants slavery to be constitutional. I sometimes question his leadership skills. The Battle of Bull Run took place quite close to where I am now, and it reminded me that this war is going to be tough. The other soldiers believe I have  good character , and I try my best everyday to support my country. I wish you were here with me. You're so loyal , and you always support me, and I wish you could encourage me as you always do. You would enjoy the people here. They believe that slavery is wrong, along with you and me . Give all the children my love. Tell Fred and Buck that...