August 29, 1863
My Darling Julia, I miss you terribly. I haven't seen you in two years, but it feels like an eternity. How are the kids? I have just arrived back at camp from the Battle of Gettysburg. Lee wanted to have a victory in the North, so he marched to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in June. The battle was brutal and went on for a grueling three days. The first day of battle started because some of our men went into town to buy shoes, but of course the rebels went to the same shoe store at the same time. Thus, the battle began. By the end of the day we were pushed back into town but had the high ground. I was terrified, but I pushed on, and even though we couldn't push forward, we still gained an advantage. Our troops were placed in a giant fish hook shape, but one of our most important Maine regiments ran out of ammunition towards the end of the day, and they were forced to use bayonets. The kids would have loved the screams they made while they attacked...